..leaving for Houston..

This will be a busy week

June 11, 2007 (Monday) – I am leaving for Houston today. Dianna’s surgery is set for Wednesday at M.D. Anderson, but she will be there Tuesday all day for the pre-op procedures, and she has asked me to come on Monday so that I will be there at their home with the children early Tuesday when she and Mark make their way to the hospital. A new development took place Saturday, when Mark broke his finger in a recreation accident while they were all in Arkansas visiting Mark’s family. They returned home Sunday. Today they will be busy attempting to treat his injured hand, and surgery is probably necessary. As they say, “When it rains, it pours.”
She has written in her “DD Update” about her surgery, etc., so, if you read that, you already know about as much as I do about it. Thank you very much for the prayers you have offered for her and for your promise to continue praying.
(If you have wondered why she calls her emails the DD Updates, it’s because her name is Dianna Dale, and she was called “DD” for a while. Some still prefer to call her by that name).
I am still a novice at this blogging stuff, so I’m not sure whether I will be able to provide a daily blog while I’m away, but if I cannot, I will resume writing it upon my return. If I can, I will. (I think I can…I think I can…I think I can…well, we’ll see).
Gains will lead the Wednesday evening worship, and Jonathan will preach next Sunday. Some may remember that my first Sunday as Interim Pastor was Father’s Day, 2006. It takes time to seek out a pastor. Please keep on praying for the Search Committee.

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