..Tuesday in Houston..

Today is a day of preparation for Dianna’s surgery on Wednesday

June 12, 2007 (Tuesday) – Made it to Houston yesterday, and stayed at the Hinze home while Mark and Dianna went to the orthopedic surgeon for diagnosis and treatment of Mark’s injured finger. It’s a complicated break and he will have surgery Friday. Wednesday was the preferred date for the surgeon, but Dianna’s surgery is set for Wednesday.
Today Dianna will spend time at M.D. Anderson in all the preoperative appointments and procedures. She wil be there all day. I will wait here at their home and “hold down the fort” with the children. Mark’s parents will drive down from Arkansas today. It’s about a twelve-hour trip by automobile.
Many have assured Dianna of their prayers, and several people who have experienced (or, are experiencing even now) the same or similar surgery and recovery have offered help and counsel, sharing their own experiences. Dianna’s close friend and neighbor, a nurse, is driving Mark and Dianna to the hospital today and will help them interpret the information and assist them in making decisions regarding her care. How beautiful people are when they are reaching out to help each other. Ever since Dianna’s diagnosis, her house has been flooded with food, flowers, cards, calls, visits, and lots of love from lots of people, including those who are reading this blog right now. Thank you so much.
In addition to the big health problems facing this family, the members of the family came back from the Arkansas vacation with lots of chigger bites. A little additional suffering just for good measure. I told Dianna, “I’m sorry you have to put up with that, too, along with everything else.” “Yes,” she said, then with a smile, “isnt there a book in the Bible about somebody like that?” Of course there is, as she well knows. When our lives have hit some hard spots, we’ve all taken another look at the book of Job. Dianna’s facetious reference to it, in a joking way, typifies her courage and strength, made even stronger because of your prayers and encouragement. Thank you again.

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