..thankful for our staff..

I am very thankful for my co-workers: your church staff

June 10, 2007 (Sunday) – The final presentations by the children at VBS Family Fun Night resembled the final day of most camps. A comradery builds throughout the week, and a closeness develops between campers as they draw closer to the Lord.
Changes always take place in the hearts of young people when they spend time away from their ordinary surroundings, and become better acquainted with the natural world that God has given us. With the worldy distractions out of the way, a young person is enabled to think more deeply about spiritual things, and almost always begins to think more about God’s will for his/her life.
This week Jonathan will take a group of young people to camp once again. This time the location will be the Highland Lakes Baptist Encampment near Austin. At the 8:30 service this morning, Jonathan will preach and will ask the church to join in prayer for the young people as they travel to the encampment grounds, as they participate in the activities of the week, and as they return to Rockport, renewed and challenged to let their lives be counted for the Lord. They will board a chartered bus at 9:30 and begin their journey.
Our church has reasons to be very thankful for the staff. Jonathan’s work with the youth is second to none in its impact. He is busy all year, but when summer comes, there is one activity after another. The results of his ministry can be seen in the lives of the young people and the impact is felt within their families. Gains is considered to be part-time, but he devotes full time to his work as Minister of Education. The duties assigned to this staff position are many and intense, and he does a great job. Allen Ray provides leadership for a splendid music program, and is also considered to be part-time, but I doubt that any full-time music director anywhere devotes more attention and energy to the music program than he does. Nell continues the wonderful work she has done for the past 40 years as Church Secretary, and is the indispensable link in the chain of workers in this church. Patty is available to the staff and members with her never ending duties as Education Secretary and someone is always gaining her ear for something needed “right now.” As Financial Secretary, Pam keeps close tabs on the huge budget with its many regular and designated funds, working closely with the Stewardship-Finance Committee, reminding us all of what the church has enabled for support of ministries, and faithfully reporting the offerings and expenditures. Hope has had a great interest in the church’s program as a member and as a custodian. She has done her work well, and is a pleasure to be around. And what about all the volunteers? There are so many, and each one gives his/her best to the Lord’s work. In a very real sense, they are like staff members without salaries. Whenever the new pastor comes on the scene here, he will find one of the best church staffs anywhere. May the Lord bless them all.

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