
Peace within

September 27, 2008 (Saturday)
picture of CharlesThe Apostle John penned the Gospel of John. In the first chapter, he recalls the day he began his walk with Jesus. As he writes, it is now sixty years later, yet he remembers the time of day (4:00 p.m.) (John 1:39). He remembers that detail because it marked the pivotal event of his life, the day he came to know Jesus as the Son of God and the Savior of the world.
I don’t know if you can tell anyone the exact day and hour you came to Christ, but there was that moment when you crossed a line between “lost” and “saved.” It was the most important event in your life.
At that precise minute, you accepted Christ as Savior. In a moment, your eternal destiny was changed. You had been bound for Hell, and suddenly you were on your way to Heaven. The change took place in your heart as you became a new person (2 Corinthians 5:17). You were born again (John 3:7). The Lord began working in your heart in a new way as the Holy Spirit came into your life (Ephesians 1:13). Now you have hope within your heart that you never had before (1 Peter 1:3).
As a child of God today your hope is not in the things of this world; your hope is in the Lord. Jesus warned us that material things, including money, are fragile and perishable, but heavenly things are eternal and permanent. He wants you to have peace in your heart amid the troubles of these days. He gives peace (John 14:27).