Twas lost

But now I’m found

April 10, 2008 (Thursday)                                                            Photo of Charles
I lost some keys this week (found them, or at least my friend found them for me), and in the process of looking for them, stuck my hand down into the space by the cushion on the recliner. Yuk! I pulled out a quarter, sticky, gooey, blackish and ugly. But it was a quarter, and worth as much as one of those brand new special state quarters. It just didn’t look like it should. It looked like junk, but it was really something valuable. Cleaned up, it looks better.
As long as the quarter lay in the dark recesses of recliner innards, it was content just to be there, unmolested, though neglected. People, too, get accustomed to bad circumstances, and sometimes they don’t seem to want anything better.
Ever see a person who looked like junk? Dirty, scratched, mistreated, neglected, shoved to the side, unheard, unseen, unknown. But, hold on, maybe that person is like the quarter in disguise. Maybe that person can become somebody special. Maybe you can help accomplish that.
Jesus found a man possessed of devils, unclothed, filthy, and violent. Because Jesus saw in him true value, he entered his life and helped him to see things in a different light. Soon the man was clothed, in his right mind, sitting at Jesus’ feet hanging on his every word. Jesus then urged him to go home to those who loved him and tell them what great things had been done for him.
The old hymn says it so well, “I was lost, but now I’m found.” Another chorus testifies, “Things are different now, something happened to me when I gave my heart to Jesus.”
Lumps of coal can become diamonds.