Looking good

Feeling good

April 11, 2008 (Friday)
picture of CharlesBy popular request (by one very dear friend), I insert the picture into the document. I’ve got to make some new pictures. The ones I like the best don’t look much like me anymore.
I meet people I have not seen for a while, and they say, “You sure look good.” In a few minutes, they say it again, “My, you sure do look good!” Message heard by me: “I wasn’t sure you were still alive.”
Well, it’s better to hear, “You’re looking good,” than, “What’s the matter? You look awful! Been sick?”
Isn’t it amazing how much better we feel when someone says something nice to us? When they compliment us? When they offer a word of praise for something, no matter how inconsequential? I encourage you to read this piece on the internet if you haven’t read it already. My niece sent it to me today. I had seen it in the past, but had forgotten it, so it made a new impression on me. It encourages us to let people know what a difference they have made in our lives. The address is at the bottom of this page.
For some reason, the presentation mentioned above made me have these thoughts:
I recently saw some comments about Rockport in some sort of forum. The person writing did not understand how anyone could speak favorably of Rockport. He went on and on, digging up negative thoughts and announcing he was going to move away. When I read that, I felt sorry for the person. I love Rockport and its people. So many people there have helped me to become a better person. The same is true in Houston. Everyone in the Timbergrove church has been such a blessing. I’ve found the sales people and store clerks and others to be very friendly and helpful. I find Houston to be a friendly place. And everyone here that I know personally has had the same impact upon my life as the people wherever I’ve been: each person has lifted me or challenged me in some way. God is good in sending just the right people into our lives.