Keep the faith

Work till Jesus comes

April 9, 2008 (Wed.)                                                               Photo of Charles
The University of Kansas emerged the victor in the NCAA Tournament, after beating The University of Memphis. As the game neared the end of regulation play, Memphis led with 2.1 seconds on the clock. Kansas seized the opportunity to make a 3 point play, and the game ended, tied. Kansas went on to win in overtime.
There are two lessons (among many) that the game teaches. From Kansas’ perspective, it is “never give up.” Another lesson has settled into the mind of every Memphis player and fan: “Don’t take anything for granted.” Memphis led by 9 points with only about 2 minutes remaining in the game, but they saw that lead dwindle to 3 points before the final score, and were crushed by a long basket that tied the game and made possible Kansas’ overtime victory.
Ahead by 9 points so near the end of play, Memphis players, coaches and supporters were relishing the sweet smell of success in the air, but after less than two minutes of relentless attack by Kansas, saw it fall apart. It’s hard to lose, but harder still when you think you’ve won.
The lesson for all of us is to keep doing our very best to the end. As Paul said, “I press toward the mark,” meaning he would keep giving the Lord his very best until his earthly life ended. He lived out the words of the hymn, “We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes.” As his execution approached, he wrote, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Will we be able to say that as the final buzzer sounds in our game of life?