Beyond the Clouds

chasinblog2.jpgFebruary 10, 2017 (Friday)
Later today the heavens will present three spectacular events: a full moon, a lunar eclipse, and a comet. Before you get all excited about it, please know that the skies over us in the coastal bend will be cloudy. We won’t be able to view these wonderful events in the sky.
They will be there, but we are not likely to see them.
This sort of reminds me of the words of the apostle Paul, who offered reasons for people’s doubts about the gospel. He said some do not believe because they are spiritually blind. Others do not believe because they cannot believe anything that differs from what they had always been taught. And still others do not believe because the whole idea of religion seems foolish to them.
The truth about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, sin and redemption is presenting itself, but the clouds of doubt keep many from seeing it. Tonight the moon will be brightly shining, but the clouds may obscure it. The moon may pass under the earth’s shadow, but we will not see that happen because of the clouds. The comet may whiz by, millions of miles from us, traveling at 5,000 miles per second, but no matter, we won’t be able to see it through the clouds.
The clouds of doubt obscure the spiritual view of many today.
Let us pray for the removal of the clouds of doubt and disbelief. Let us pray for our friends, family members, business associates, coworkers, and everyone else to have a clear view of God and let us pray that they will believe and be saved.
