We Can Love Others

Pre-Easter Theme: What Jesus Taught Us

Theme for this week: God Loves Us

March 17, 2022 (Thursday)

If you accept Christ as your personal Savior, and you thank Him for blessing you, getting to know Him better through prayer and Bible study, your natural response will be to love Him. The best way you can show the Lord that you love Him is by helping others in His Name. When you stop and think about it, how is it possible to serve the Lord without serving others, directly or indirectly?

A sweet little girl had been hurt in some way, and so she was crying. In trying to comfort her, someone said, “Don’t cry, dear, God loves you and He can comfort you.” Her instant reply was, “But I want someone with skin on!” Who is to say that the person with “skin on” isn’t the one that God sent to help the little girl?

In the colonial days of our country, not everyone fought the native Americans. A famous missionary to them was David Brainerd (April 20, 1718 – October 9, 1747)*. In answering God’s call to that ministry, he said: “I knew that God had saved me, but I also discovered that He could use me.” Have you made that wonderful discovery?

When we read about those who serve the Lord as missionaries, we might ask ourselves, “Where do such people come from?” Well, take a good look into the mirror. God’s faithful servants are people just like you. He calls us into His service, but the call isn’t always into the “full-time ministry” or “mission work.” He calls you and me daily to become aware of the needs of people all around us. Every day.

As the family sat down at the table, the father “said the blessing,” thanking the Lord for his bounty and praying for the poor family down the road. After the “amen,” the son said to his father, “Daddy, I wish I had your chicken coop.” His father replied, “Why?” The son said, “Because I would help those poor people down the road.” Opportunities to serve the Lord by helping others abound in our lives.

Some people take the Lord very seriously in this matter. I know of a family in a neighboring town who have a meager income, but designate 50% of it to helping others. Without fanfare, without asking for credit, their generosity to people who need help is known by few people, but is blessed by the Lord. We may not be inclined to be that generous, but we can help someone and be blessed as we bless others.

When we speak of loving others, we’re not just talking about helping the poor. No, the love of neighbor that Jesus spoke of applies to every aspect of our lives. Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” He was speaking of our attitude toward others. We can show our love for God by being kind and thoughtful to others, not just now and then to special people, but all the time to everyone.


I love Thee, I love Thee, I love Thee, my Lord;
I love Thee, my Savior, I love Thee, my God.
I love Thee, I love Thee, and that Thou dost know;
But how much I love Thee my actions will show.

I’m happy, I’m happy, oh, wondrous account!
My joys are immortal, I stand on the mount!
I gaze on my treasure and long to be there,
With Jesus and angels, and kindred so dear.

O Jesus, my Savior, with Thee I am blest,
My life and salvation, my joy and my rest:
Thy name be my theme, and Thy love be my song;
Thy grace shall inspire both my heart and my tongue.

Oh, who’s like my Savior? He’s Salem’s bright King;
He smiles, and He loves me, and helps me to sing.
I’ll praise Him, I’ll praise Him, with notes loud and clear,
While rivers of pleasure my spirit do cheer.

*Click here for more information

What Jesus Taught Us:God Loves Us
Blogs This Week (March 14-18)

God Our Father Loves His Children (Monday)
God Gives Us A New Beginning (Tuesday)
We Can Love God (Wednesday)
We Can Love Others (Thursday)
We Can Demonstrate Our Love (Friday)

Today is St. Patrick’s Day: