From This Day Forward..

chasinblog2.jpgSeptember 26, 2016 (Monday)
Roy Orbison had a hit song entitled, “It’s Over.” The last line of the song is, “Its over. It’s over. It’s over.”
Well, the weekend is over. We’ve celebrated my milestone birthday. Now what?
A biirthday celebration is sort of like Christmas; “when it’s over, it’s over.” Think about the day after Christmas. Leftovers in the fridge. Wrapping paper wadded up all over the room. Part of the tree drying up and falling to the floor. A few carols on the radio still trying to get your attention. Relatives packing and preparing to leave. Presents unwrapped and put to use. Is anything as “over” as Christmas when it’s over? As I said, sometimes a birthday has much the same flavor. But like a fine perfume, its fragrance lingers.
What now? I believe I summed up my feelings in the Saturday and Sunday blogs, in which one said, “I know who holds tomorrow,” and the other, “One day at a time.”
I thank my family, the Bethel church and my friends for recognizing me on my birthday, and helping me to celebrate, including an overwhelming tribute from Dale and Ann Pogue in his blog. One of life’s greatest gifts are the people God sends into our lives. Family and friends are priceless and of far more value than silver, gold, diamonds, property, knowledge, money–you name it.
In times that are happy and in times that are sad, people come into our hearts in new and special ways, enhancing our joy and lessening our pain. I remember saying to Wanda in the midst of our sorrow when we were silently asking “Where is God?” that God was right there, in all the wonderful people who were surrounding us with their love.
Just as we serve God by serving people, God blesses us through people. And in many other ways. So, let us all sing together, “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!” Let us also sing another hymn: “Sound His praises, Jesus who bore our sorrows, Love unbounded wonderful deep and strong. Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness. Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song.”
I thank the Lord today for blessing me with family and friends who love me. I love you, too.

Family Tree Plaque – Gift from Loved Ones

Click here if you would like to see information about the family tree carving