Second John – a devotional thought

pic of charlesJuly 19, 2014 (Saturday)
Second John, written by the Apostle John, is a personal letter to a person he calls, “the elect lady,” chosen of God. It is probably a note to a friend and not a clandestine communication to a nation or a church, as some suggest. John warns this lady to BEWARE of those who deny the deity of Christ, because they are “antichrists.” KNOCK.jpgIf anyone is claiming to have a superior knowledge that denies basic teachings of salvation in Christ, he is to be considered too dangerous to be invited into her home.

Second John- a devotional thought
Jesus taught us that actions begin in the mind and heart. What we believe is very important, because it eventually becomes some sort of action. ugly.jpgThose who accepted the new heretical beliefs that denied the divinity of Christ found it easy to commit sin, which always involves others one way or another. False beliefs are dangerous. Those who teach heresy are to be avoided. “Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work” (1:11 NIV).