First John – a devotional thought

pic of charlesJuly 18, 2014 (Friday)
It is generally believed among conservative church historians that the Apostle John left Jerusalem and went to Ephesus shortly before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The belief is also that he became the pastor of the church at Ephesus. He writes First John from Ephesus, probably to the surrounding churches named in the Seven Churches of Revelation. Believers were faithful Christians but were being pummeled with false doctrine about which John warns them.
John writes that those who possess eternal life will walk in the light, will live a righteous life, will live in love and will walk by faith. He writes to them so that they may know that they have eternal life. They also need to know that their prayers are answered. They need to remind themselves that believers do not live habitually sinful lives.


First John- a devotional thought
The Gnostics brought an onslaught of heresy into the churches near the end of the first century, teaching that people should live any old way they please and that Jesus is not divine. Knowing that the churches were being exposed to such evil beliefs, one can see why John phrases much of his teaching to counteract Gnostic beliefs. In one way or another, these kinds of teachings have become prominent in every generation, including ours. Virtually every age-old Christian belief is being challenged today. Let us hold fast to the truths that have shaped our lives up to the present day.