The Prophets – a devotional thought

pic of charlesMay 23, 2014 (Friday)
We have been extracting devotional thoughts from each of the Bible books, beginning with Genesis and ending with Song of Solomon. We now have come to the books of the prophets. There are 17 books that are named for the prophets. They are classified as “major prophets” and “minor prophets,” but those classifications are based only upon the size of the books. A better classification would be based upon when and where the prophets did their work. Such a method would produce these results:

1. The Pre-exilic prophets:pic of charles (1) In Israel: Jonah, Amos and Hosea. (2) In Judah: Obadiah, Joel, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Jeremiah.
2. The Exilic prophets, Ezekiel and Daniel.
3. The Post-exilic prophets: All are of Judah and are Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

The main work of the prophets was much like that of preachers today: to speak to the moral and spiritual conditions of their day. Some of them also compiled prophecies and foretold events. A proper study of the prophetic books includes their historical context.
The Prophets – A devotional thought
The sins of Israel and Judah were many and serious. The prophets warned of the consequences of sin, yet promised forgiveness upon repentance. The United States of America, and all nations, should heed the prophets, for they spoke mainly to the nation and not the individual. In my opinion, blatant opposition to Biblical morality and faith in God, written into law by a nation, puts its future in jeopardy. The books of the prophets warn us. Will we listen?