Grieving with the Bereaved

December 17, 2012 (Monday)
”picIn case you are still worried about the end of the world on December 21, you probably have not heard the news that a Mayan calendar has been found that extends the whole thing another 7,000 years. Whew!
Now we can get back to our daily lives. Or can we?
The overwhelming shadow of unspeakable tragedy covers everyone today, as we grieve with the families of Sandy Hook.
When we take a look at the community on the Google satellite photos, it looks like a beautiful location. The school has a reputation for excellence. It seems like a perfect place to live and raise your family, not the least important reason being the schools.
We saw on T.V. the little sign identifying the school and noticed the friendly “Visitors Welcome” printed on it. No one thought such an awful thing could happen there.
There are yet many questions to be answered about the murder of 20 First Graders and six adults last Friday morning. It would be presumptuous to diagnose the situation or to prescribe cures and preventives. We need to know more about this specific tragedy. Perhaps we have enough data accumulated now to study all the similar events and come up with ideas on how to help prevent such things in the future.
In the meantime, we can empathize with the suffering in that community, and we can join millions of people around the world in prayer for the grieving families, and for all the people whose lives have been forever altered by this horrible event.