Santa with a Bell


Christmas comes just once a year
Isn’t it nice “year” rhymes with “cheer?”
But how about a word that rhymes with “tinsel?”
Okay, here goes–how about “Insel?”
Lucky for me I know the guy.
He’s in disguise but he’s not really a spy.
Hey, Insel’s the Santa who rings the bell,
Asking for money with nothing to sell.
I see him every Christmas, at the mall or on the street,
Ringing his bell and looking so sweet.
He’s not a stranger; I know him well,
He’s my boss at the office–why’s he ringing that bell?
It’s a rhetorical question ’cause the answer I know:
He does it for others, and not for the show.
He takes time from his work, his family and all,
To gather some money here at the mall.
The coins or bills or checks that we share
Go to help others with cupboards so bare.
People who, sadly, fell over the “cliff”..
..that presents to the rest of us a great big “If.”
For them it’s no “If,” it’s the actual thing:
No food, clothes or shelter, well, hardly anything.
So next time you see my friend, “Santa Insel,”
Give him some money, and you’ll enjoy your tinsel.

”picCharles F. Fake __ December 18, 2012