Great Teams Met

Only One Team Won

January 10, 2012 (Tuesday)

”picThe national championship of college football was decided last night in a bowl game. Alabama shut out L.S.U. Each team came to the game with an awesome record for the season. Though unable to score in the game, L.S.U. left no doubts in the minds of opponents faced before the final game that the school has a powerful team. Alabama showed itself to be more powerful, at least in last night’s game.
All of the publicity leading up to the championship game promised an unbelievable shootout between the two mighty opponents. It turned out to be a different kind of game than the one they played against each other just a few weeks ago.
The dynamics of team sports is sometimes hard to understand. You can see it in most games as the momentum swings from one team to the other. It seems to take place in all kinds of sports. Something happens, almost magically, that gets the team members energized to such an extent that they cannot fail. Everything succeeds. Then, all of a sudden, the same team becomes uncoordinated and weak as the opposing team receives the spark of enthusiasm for a while.
Whatever happened in the game last night, we already knew before the game that there were two truly great teams competing for the title of “Champion.” Only one team won, but both teams had an unusually great season. Both were great teams. I hope all of those great athletes will always remember that.