
or Vacate?

November 18, 2011 (Friday)
”picThe protests in the streets are growing in size and fervor. They are taking place in cities across our country and in many other countries of the world. They are connected in some way with the economic troubles of our present era.
I don’t quite understand what the objectives of the “Occupy” movement are. I know that people are upset about the lack of jobs, the heavy influence of big business in Congress, and the fact that wealth is now concentrated in the hands of a minority that seemingly grows richer each day. What I don’t understand is the lack of solutions being suggested. It looks to me like no real answers consistent with a free economy are being offered.
I lived through the Depression, but I was a child. It was the generation just older than I that really experienced the pain of the Depression, seeing their “Roaring Twenties” world plummet to economic despair. It was a member of that generation that told me one day, “I don’t think this present generation can experience Depression again — it will be Revolution.” I hope he wasn’t correct in his assumptions.
What do concerned Christians do? We pray for our leaders to exercise wisdom. We pray for our citizens to use common sense and seek lawful means to create a better economy, applying our energies to constructive ways to build a better world. We pray for our business leaders to understand the value of people in the equations of prosperity. We humble ourselves before the Lord, repenting of our own selfishness and greed, as an example for others to follow. We ask God for his help.