Try Jesus

The Way, the Truth and the Life

December 29, 2010 (Wednesday)
”picAny leftovers in your refrigerator today? Are they still good to eat? Take a little taste and see.
The Psalmist gave us this pointer for life: “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8 NIV). Any doubts about whether it is wise to follow the Lord? Try Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Taste and see for yourself.
Moses led God’s people to the promised land, and they refused to go in. Ten of the scouts they had sent to the new land reported massive problems with the plan to go in and possess the land. The people chose to follow their advice to stay out, instead of the challenge laid down by the two brave visionaries who called for timely action to follow God’s command.
“We can certainly do it!” the two positive thinkers exclaimed. The appeal they made set the pace for the Psalmist who would come many years later and make his own appeal: “Taste and see that the Lord is good!”
As we watch the old year fade out and witness the new one fading in, we become aware of our choices. What kind of year will it be? Much of the answer lies within ourselves. We can choose to ignore the offer to discover God’s love and power, or we can try it and find out for ourselves that following the Lord is the best way to live in 2011.
You may have tried other things and they have not worked. Try looking on the bright side of things. Try being a part of the answer and not the problem. Try listening more and talking less. Try putting Christ first — you’ll like it.