
March 9, 2020 (Monday)

I know what quarantine is. My sisters, father, stepmother and I were quarantined in 1945 because my sister had Diphtheria.

My father’s family loved to get together several times a year for picnics, relaxation, recreation, and reunion. Because of these periodic get-togethers, we cousins knew each other pretty well, and all of us knew our uncles and aunts and felt close to them.

It was on one of those outings, at Spring Creek, which in 1945 was an outdoor area unpopulated and a good place to camp for the night. Today the area is covered with residences and businesses and in no way resembles the area in 1945.

When we got back home after that event, my sister (around 11 years of age at the time) came down with Diphtheria. As a result, our family was placed under a quarantine. No one else who attended the reunion was affected or quarantined. Only our immediate family was involved. Every week, a public health nurse came to our home and swabbed our throats. My sister was the only one infected, but we all were quarantined. This went on for several months. The situation was unnatural and unpleasant.

Since so little is known about the Coronavirus today, quarantine is the principal action being taken. At least a year will be required to develop a vaccine. In my opinion, it stands to reason that this highly contagious virus will affect so many people that a quarantine will prove to be ineffective, if not impossible. Increasing numbers of people are being requested or ordered to quarantine themseves. With more than 328 million people in our country already, and thousands of flights per day bringing in foreigners or our citizens who have traveled to infected areas, containment will no doubt prove unattainable. The bad news is that people die from it; the good news is that many people will not contract the illness, and most of those who do become ill will not die. Some will have mild symptoms but others will have severe symptoms. But maintenance of a world-wide quarantine system will prove impossible. Again, that’s only my opinion.

Let us hope and pray that expectations for a wide-spread viral infection in our country are not realized.

Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
(Isaiah 41:10 NKJV)

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