The Electoral College

March 10, 2020 (Tuesday)

Our country’s next big regular election that includes candidates for the presidency will be held November 3, 2020.

We are hearing calls to do away with the electoral college system and replace it with a strictly popular vote. Four presidents who lost the popular vote were elected president by the electoral college: Hayes, Harrison, Bush43 and Trump.

The electoral college is based upon the premise that the 50 states elect the president, not the millions of individual citizens. Our federal government has evolved into our most powerful entity, but the electoral college system still gives states the final authority in deciding who the president shall be. The electoral college is made up of representatives from the states who are instructed by their states to cast their votes for the state’s choice of president. The electoral college could be considered the last stronghold of “States’ Rights.”

Every Tuesday we write about one of our presidents. Today’s choice is Grover Cleveland. Cleveland defeated Benjamin Harrison in his first election as president. Then when he ran for re-election, Harrison defeated him, in the electoral college. Cleveland won the popular vote, but the electoral college vote was the one that counted. Harrison ran for re-election, but Cleveland defeated him, thereby becoming the only president elected to a second term after another person served in between his two terms. In lists of presidents, therefore, Cleveland is listed twice, once for his being 22nd president, and lastly for being 24th president. Each of these men lost to the other and also defeated the other. Strange.

It is probably doubtful that the electoral college method of electing presidents will be replaced. That’s what I think. What do you think?


James Sanderson

Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation,
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all.

Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation.
In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call.

Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander,
This you will do, that is our strong, firm belief.

At the close of each Tuesday blog I write about the presidents, in the order of their service.

Today’s president is

Grover Cleveland 22nd & 24th President