Serving the Lord

March 8, 2020 (Sunday)

Today I will preach at Bethel Baptist Church in Ingleside as supply preacher in the absence of their new pastor, Brandon Galbreath. His first Sunday was on January 19th. As soon as he became the pastor, I began attending First Baptist Church, Rockport, as a member in the pew. I think I have finally retired.

Before becoming pastor at First Baptist Church, Rockport, I was pastor or staff member of six Texas churches over a period of 14 years. I
served as pastor in Rockport for 31 years. I retired from that church 24 years ago. Since retirement from Rockport, I have supplied the pulpit in several churches, been interim pastor or pastor nine times in four churches. During those times, I conducted 288 funerals and 36 weddings.

A few weeks ago, at the age of 88, I finally retired for good. I thank the Lord for giving me opportunities of Christian service for an additional quarter century beyond retirement.

Words: Bill and Gloria Gaither
Music: Bill and Gloria Gaither

Since I started for the Kingdom,
Since my life He controls,
Since I gave my heart to Jesus,
The longer I serve Him,
The sweeter He grows.
The longer I serve Him,
the sweeter He grows,
The more that I love Him,
more love He bestows;
Each day is like heaven,
my heart overflows,
The longer I serve Him,
the sweeter He grows.

Ev’ry need He is supplying,
Plenteous grace He bestows;
Ev’ry day my way gets brighter,
The longer I serve Him,
The sweeter He grows.
The longer I serve Him,
the sweeter He grows,
The more that I love Him,
more love He bestows;
Each day is like heaven,
my heart overflows,
The longer I serve Him,
the sweeter He grows.