Here I Am

Back Again

September 7, 2010 (Tuesday)
”picWell, here I am in beautiful Rockport. Wouldn’t you know, someone else showed up and is raising a ruckus. Her name is Hermine. She’s a Tropical Storm. When I was driving down yesterday, I drove through some heavy rains that were spawned by the storm, around Edna and Victoria. It was some of the heaviest rain I’ve ever seen. But most of the trip was quite nice.
The words, “Well, here I am,” come to mind, and that makes me think of Red Skelton’s “Clem Cudiddlehopper” character. Remember him? “Well, here I am” spoken in his own inimitable way, was always his opening line. He was always courting “Daisy June.”
I envy the man who lives the lyrics of the song, “I got plenty o’ nothin'” He sings, “..and nothin’s plenty for me. Folks with plenty of plenty keep a big ol’ lock on the door. Seems with plenty you sure got to worry how to keep that plenty for more. What for?” Well, I got plenty of stuff that I had in Houston, and now it’s sitting in the house at Rockport. Can you imagine the clutter that’s here? Three carloads of stuff added to what was already here. Too much. No place for it. And it does not include the furniture I had up there.
All that moving and lifting gave me a headache and I found a sure cure: dinner at Jalisco’s. I had a sizzling platter of fajitas and shrimp, with lots of pepper and onions, etc. and rice and beans. Guaranteed to make anybody feel better. Dwight’s order looked great, too.
As I was coming down from Houston to Rockport, I was met by a steady stream, one car after the other, of vehicles headed north, away from the storm, perhaps cutting their holiday a little short. Too bad they couldn’t stay. I think I’ve come to stay this time.