A New Beginning

A move to South Texas

September 6, 2010 (Monday)
”picToday is Labor Day. It was on a Labor Day weekend in 1948 that I preached my first sermon (from Philippians 2:5-11). Yesterday, again on Labor Day weekend, I preached my final sermon as pastor, 62 years to the day from the date of the first sermon. The text was Isaiah 41:10. Today I will load my things and move back to Rockport again.
I’ve enjoyed being pastor again, I love the people here at Timbergrove Baptist Church of Houston, and I consider myself fortunate to have worked side by side in the church with Troy and Ruth Conner, the major influence in my life as far as my relationship with the Lord and my entering the ministry is concerned. I have enjoyed living near my son David, and his wife, Janet, I have enjoyed living near my daughter, Dianna, her husband Mark, and my grandchildren in their home, and I have enjoyed living near my sisters, Melva, Elva and Mary, my brother Joe and their families.
Houston is where I was born and raised until I entered college in 1949. I never moved back until 2004, when I started pastoring this church. In 2006 I returned to Rockport to be their interim pastor, then it was back to Houston and Timbergrove in 2008. It’s been a rich experience, but it’s time to return to Rockport, which has been my home since 1964. I’ll soon be 79, so it’s time to settle down. During my first stay here, my dear friend, Wanda Stewart, loaned me her furniture; this time my son, Dwight, let me use his furniture. My son, David and daughter, Dianna, and their children all helped move the furniture Saturday. David and Janet and Dwight transported loads of my things back to Rockport, and today I will take the rest (computer, clothing, books, odds and ends, etc.).
My cell phone number will remain the same. At least for the present. My home phone at Rockport has never changed.
So long, Houston. Hello again, Rockport.
God bless all the people who have blessed my life in so very many ways through the years. I am thankful for you.