G to follow H?

Hermine–then Gaston

September 8, 2010 (Wednesday)
”picGaston is weakening and is becoming less likely to regain strength. If it somehow revives, then a “G” storm would follow an “H” storm. So, alphabet notwithstanding, “G” would come after “H” this year. One T.V. forecaster said it would be renamed if it became a tropical storm again, but I don’t think that’s likely. Gaston stepped aside and let Hermine go first; so he’s a gentleman. It remains to be seen whether he is a live one.
We had some storm damage at our house. Wind blew Palm fronds from our very tall Palm down into the branches of our other trees, so Dwight will be getting them down somehow. And our storm door, lacking an adequate latch, was grabbed by the wind and opened too far so that the hinges are now sprung and it won’t shut. Ironic, isn’t it, that the STORM DOOR would be the only part of the house that was damaged?
This house, however, is no stranger to storm damage, because Hurricane Celia in 1970 blew out some windows, took a little of the roof, damaged the ceiling, and left only a stump of our little Oak tree. The tree refused to die and is now a great big tree.
The little Oak that became a big Oak has to take second place to a China Berry tree in the back yard. It has died several times, and always comes back in sprouts from the roots. It looks like it’s ready to die again. When it does, there’s no doubt that it will come back again. I think it should be called Resurrection Tree. When it’s in its mature state, it shades the entire west side of the house and the patio.
The old downtown buildings of the First Baptist Church of Rockport suffered much damage from Celia, and it took over four months for repairs. We celebrated its new beginning with a revival meeting, led by Dr. Perry Webb, who had recently retired from being Pastor of the First Baptist Church of San Antonio. We enjoyed the meetings and also the refurbished buildings. When the storm hit in 1970, it had been 51 years since the 1919 storm that came in at Baffin Bay but created disaster conditions up and down the coast, including Rockport. It has now been 40 years since Celia. I have not heard anyone express disappointment that some really bad ones have passed us by.