Jesus Is In This Very Room

January 28, 2020


Here is a portion of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon, preached long ago; his words still speak to us today:
We want the Savior to bless us and He says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with Me.” He is ready to bless you, beloved—are you ready to be blessed by Him? O you that love Him, fling wide the doors of your heart and ask Him to come in! He has bought you with His heart’s blood—will you not give Him your heart’s best love? He is Himself your beloved, your husband, your all in all, so treat Him not as a stranger. Let Him not stand and knock any longer, but open wide the door and bid Him come in! Is it your will, dear brothers and sisters, to receive Him? Do you really want Him? Do you long for more of Him?

Are you living as if you expected Him to come to you? If so, when He comes you will be overawed by the majesty of His presence—and you will say with John, “It is the Lord.” As we hear of blessing in the Sunday school, we shall say, “It is the Lord.” As we hear of the work of grace in the Bible classes, we shall say, “It is the Lord.” And at every church meeting, as wehear the stories of those who have been brought to believe in Jesus, we shall say, “It is the Lord,” for no one else could have worked so blessed a work in our midst!

At the close of each Tuesday blog I write about the presidents, in the order of their service.

Today’s president is Ulysses S. Grant