Troubles abound

So let’s just keep trusting the Lord

June 7, 2010 (Monday)
”picI was driving near Bayside one fine morning when a huge pelican decided to land on the highway, blocking the road. With a wingspan of up to 10 feet, only one bird was needed to stop the traffic. When I see them in the bays, flocking together, or in the air, soaring on the thermals, I always admire them.
When I saw the picture in the newspaper of a Louisiana pelican covered with oil, I was deeply saddened. The oil spill in the Gulf is tragic, as life of many kinds in the estuaries is threatened. The economic impact is another force to be reckoned with, certain to affect thousands of families.
After all the investigations have been conducted, we will know much more than we now know about the causes of the oil rig accident and the environmental and economic impacts. Until then, much of what we hear from each other is speculation, based upon limited knowledge.
Meanwhile, the stock market has the jitters and many are worried about losing more value today, after a big drop on Friday. Money problems plague many nations now, and people who usually exude confidence in the future seem worried.
All of this and much more keep people upset in today’s world. In the midst of it all, we can keep on trusting the Lord. He’s got the world in His hands. Our faith always needs to be strong. Are we believers? Then, let’s believe. Let’s believe in the faithfulness and power of the Lord. Let us never doubt for a moment that He loves each and every one of us with an everlasting love.