Now I lay me down to sleep

I’d rather laugh than cry and weep

June 4, 2010 (Friday)

Musings After the Storm
I tried and tried to go to sleep,
But the Lightning wouldn’t let me.
I closed my eyes and breathed in deep,
But the thunder, it upset me.
Once It flashed inside the room,
At least it seemed to be there,
With the light there came a boom,
But half asleep I didn’t care.
And then the night light in the hall
Went dark, as did the ‘larm clock.
I held on tight but didn’t fall
From bed to floor by my sock.
I heard the hail as it hit the wall,
It seemed like a sweet lullaby,
So I relaxed and didn’t call,
I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh.
I went to sleep and then I dreamed
That I was cradled by a steady arm,
All was peace or so it seemed,
I knew that I was safe from harm.
“Lullaby, and good night…”
(Music fades..)