Conversation talking and listening

February 10, 2010 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesSome people hold to a dream that we humans, with or without God, can build a perfect world in which all people love and help each other. We are a long way from such a world.
Today I ventured into a political talk show on the internet. The arguments by four people were very difficult to follow because all four were talking at the same time. The show had something in common with other talk shows I have watched in the past: it focused on the unlovely. Such shows have become the means by which the frustrated people of today seek a voice, longing for someone to understand how difficult life has become for them.
Life has never been easy for mankind. The disobedience of the human race, when its total number was two (Adam and Eve), invited sin and rebellion against God into the world, and we have had problems ever since, because every one of us has their genes. We make the same mistake they made, which basically is thinking that we know more than God does about how to manage our own lives and run the world.
Many people in today’s world could easily wear a badge that says, “My mind is made up. Don’t confuse me with the facts.” I long for the day when we try to find out what the facts actually are, and work together in an attempt to find rational solutions. It’s not necessarily a sign of weakness to change your mind. We have two ears and one mouth, so the Lord must have wanted us to listen twice as much as we talk.