My “ups” and “downs”

Sickness comes and goes

January 19, 2010 (Tuesday)
picture of CharlesThis is Tuesday morning. On Sunday afternoon, I started having a few little symptoms and by 3:30 Monday morning woke up sick. Nauseated. Breathing somewhat restricted. Fever. Pain all over. I was sick all day—I mean, really sick–and thought I had the flu. By bedtime I was better, had a good night’s sleep, and woke up this morning feeling pretty much O.K. A strange experience.
Obviously, my body was protecting itself, probably against a virus. Very unpleasant for me, but very good for my body. The unpleasant symptoms I experienced were merely signs of the body’s struggle against an invader of some kind. At least that’s my diagnosis [Charles Fake, M.D. (Medical Doofus)].
Our bodies are constantly fighting off germs of various kinds. Usually we feel no symptoms. Have you thanked the Lord lately for your immune system, which is working to keep you alive and well, 24 hours a day? Without it you would never have made it this far in life.
If I am right about what happened to me, then I see a lesson in it. An experience can be quite unpleasant, yet good for me. That holds for all kinds of experiences. What we call, “bad,” may not necessarily be bad at all. It may actually be an indication of something “good” happening. Kinda makes one think of Romans 8:28.