The amazing pump

We all have one

September 9, 2009 (Wednesday)
picture of Charles My automobile is a wonder, because it has lasted so long. I’ve never done major repairs on it and it is 15 years old. It not only still runs well, it is also very comfortable and is easy on the driver. It is powerful and responds perfectly when acceleration in traffic is needed. What a machine! It just keeps on keeping on.
Refrigeration is a wonderful concept. It mimics natural phenomena. In certain parts of the world, for example, the weather is always cold, and any thing or any person that enters that environment also gets cold. It feels like we are absorbing cold into our bodies, but actually the heat in our bodies is being drawn out by the cold environment. That’s how a refrigerator works. The cold box commonly called the “fridge” removes the heat from objects placed inside it. Mine has been doing that for 39 years, pausing only for repairs from time to time. Isn’t that amazing? A piece of equipment was manufactured so well it is still doing its designated job after almost 40 years.
The best machine I have, however, is not my refrigerator or my automobile. It is my heart. It’s not just a little vibrator in my chest; it is a sophisticated pump that’s always working, pushing 5000 to 6000 quarts of blood throughout my body each day. It started beating 21 days after my conception, and has never stopped since. That means it has been pumping well over 78 years, at least 3 billion times so far, and is still at it. Now that’s amazing!