One-line eulogies

How do they read?

September 8, 2009 (Tuesday)
picture of CharlesWhen the Apostle Paul finished the main portions of his letter to the Romans, he sent personal remarks concerning some of his friends (Romans 16). His statements were what one might call “one-liners,” describing in very few words the lives of those people.
Here are a few of Paul’s remarks concerning a few good people: Phoebe: “a great help to many people.” Priscilla and Aquila: “Fellow workers who risked their lives for me.” Mary: “worked very hard for you.” And on the list goes, throughout thirteen verses.
What if your life were summed up in a sentence? How would it read?
What would you say if you were writing one brief sentence about your own life? May I suggest that you look for the positive things in your life as you give it thought? Be honest, taking a good look at strengths and weaknesses, but give yourself a break. God does.
What would others say of you in one short line? Do others see Jesus in you?
The most important question is, “What does God say of you?” If he summed it all up in one line, what is it? I pray that he says, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” when you appear before him on that great day of judgment. His opinion is the one that counts.