Jesus Wept

Our sins break His heart

April 7, 2009 (Tuesday)
picture of CharlesOn Sunday morning of the final week of His life on earth, when Jesus approached the city of Jerusalem, he wept. He wept over the people of the city. While the people were waving their palms, and shouting hosannas, Jesus was weeping. Why?
He was able to see forty-two years into the future when Jerusalem would be utterly destroyed by the Romans. He knew that awful event could have been averted if they had understood who Jesus was and committed themselves to Him and His way of life.
He reminded them that they had killed the prophets who had been sent by God to turn their hearts to righteousness, justice and mercy. That same stubborn rebellious spirit was only going to get worse because they were rejecting the Savior God sent to them. The day would finally arrive when the dreaded and powerful Romans would have no more of it, destroying the city and leaving not one stone upon another, just as Jesus predicted.
The great heart of our Savior was moved and His eyes filled with tears as He contemplated the disastrous consequences of choosing self and sin over God and righteousness. Israel had been chosen by God and Jerusalem was a special holy place, but God’s protective hand would be removed as they pushed Him away. A strong lesson for all nations.