An additional word

about servants of the Lord

February 11, 2009 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesOn Monday my blog was about pivotal people in my life whose lives intersected mine at crucial moments of decision. It was not meant to be an exhaustive list of the people whose lives have blessed mine and who have had strong influence upon me. That would be impossible for me, because so many people have meant so much to me. If you count yourself a friend to me, please know that I love you and I deeply appreciate all you have done for me through the years. To all the people who have helped me and blessed me, led me and guided me, sympathized with me and counseled me, I say “Thank you,” from the bottom of my heart.
Many men and women, young and old, have meant so much to my ministry that I seriously considered writing a book about them. It’s comforting to know that God already is doing that. At the appropriate time, when we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will hear all about them. Beautiful deeds they have done for Christ will become known, as Christ rewards their faithfulness.
I am glad to see the terminology changing from “Secretary” to “Administrative Assistant,” or “Administrative Associate.” Most of the 31 years of my pastorate were spent working alongside Mrs. Nell Reed, Secretary of the First Baptist Church of Rockport. She had secretarial skills when she started the job, but she developed many more skills as she used her God-given talents in the Lord’s work. She has now been at the job for 42 years, an unbelievable tenure. Everyone in Rockport knows she is one of a kind, and much more than a secretary. She supported me and helped me in too many ways to mention today. I just want to say to her once again, “Thank you.” Nell, there is no way I could have remained as pastor so long without your wisdom and counsel. May God continue to bless you and use you in His service.