The Vision We Need

A better view of God, self and the world

January 26, 2009 (Monday)
picture of Charles”Yep, he seen it,” said she. “You mean, he saw it,” he retorted. “Well,” she replied, “It’s a whole lot better to say ‘he seen it,’ if he really seen sump’n than to say, ‘he saw it,’ if’n he ain’t seen nothin.”
The prophet Isaiah really saw something. He saw a vision. God gave it to him as he prayed in the Temple. He saw God. He saw himself. He saw the world in need of God.
It happened the year King Uzziah died. Isaiah was grieved by the tragic circumstances of the king’s long illness and death. We seem to have additional spiritual insight when a crisis or tragedy strikes. Whatever happens to goad us toward seeking God has a noble effect.
The vision described by Isaiah in Isaiah 6 is sublime, and the words used by Isaiah very descriptive. He wrote, “I saw the Lord sitting on a very high throne. His long robe filled the Temple. Heavenly creatures of fire stood above him. Each creature had six wings: It used two wings to cover its face, two wings to cover its feet, and two wings for flying. Each creature was calling to the others: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD All-Powerful. His glory fills the whole earth.’ Their calling caused the frame around the door to shake, as the Temple filled with smoke” (Isaiah 6:1-4, NCV).
Isaiah immediately felt sinful in the presence of ultimate holiness. He cried out, “Oh, no! I will be destroyed. I am not pure, and I live among people who are not pure, but I have seen the King, the LORD All-Powerful.” The nation was turning from God, and the prophet felt himself being caught in the undertow.
Isaiah’s confession brought him forgiveness from God, and he heard the call, “”Whom can I send? Who will go for us?” Isaiah humbly replied, “”Here I am. Send me!” He spent the rest of his life serving God.
Has something happened in your life that has caused you to think more about the Lord? What will be the outcome?