..Thursday in Houston..

Dianna and Mark come home from the hospital today

June 14, 2007 (Thursday) – This morning we expect to go to the hospital and bring Dianna and Mark home. He spent the night at the hospital with Dianna.
We got to the hospital yesterday morning before 6:30 a.m. and she was in surgery four or five hours. The doctor came out and talked with us at 12:15. Everything went well, he said, and there were no visible signs of cancer in the tissue removed by surgery, but a microscopic examination will be made to determine that accurately.
Dianna had a lot of pain following the surgery. The spinal block did not affect the upper torso as she thought it would, and she suffered severe pain until it was relieved with morphine around 3:45 or 4:00. We had been led to believe that the block would prevent pain for 24 hours.
We hope her pain will be less severe when she gets back home today.
It’s Mark’s turn to have surgery tomorrow. He has a spiral fracture of the middle finger of the left hand. It’s hard to know how he feels. He doesn’t say much about it. His parents are here from Arkansas, to be with him and Dianna in their surgeries.
Since Mark’s father, Buddy Hinze, is also a minister and retired missionary, we have been comparing notes on human suffering and God’s will and purpose in the world. It is a never ending quest of humanity to understand the ways of God. Things we both know: God loves us and He is working out His purpose and will in this world. As the song says, “We will understand it better bye and bye.”

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