What next?

Impending legislation

September 29, 2008 (Monday)
picture of CharlesThe President asked the Congress to approve a request by the Secretary of the Treasury. The request submitted to the United States Congress by the Administration was three pages long. Now that it has been discussed and published before the vote, we have a bill 136 pages long. Now, that’s more like it.
The first session of the current (110th) session of the Congress in 2007 saw almost 6,500 bills introduced. Many of the bills are as thick as big books. I’m sure it’s a safe bet that none of them was only three pages long. If you were a Senator or Representative, how would you know how to vote on these bills? It is highly unlikely that you are going to read each of them through, because there is just too much material. Perhaps this is one of the weaknesses of our democratic system.
Impending legislation to preserve fiscal liquidity has engendered much interest and discussion in the present economic crisis, and there seems to be many diverse opinions about the proper course of action.
All of this leads me to conclude there is more to the story than we know. There probably always is, no matter what the legislation is.
I will say this: I shall always be thankful to be a citizen of this wonderful country. We have our problems, to be sure, but the Lord will help us to find solutions.
(Blog #500 from Charles)
p.s.- 4:00 p.m. – Bill failed to pass. Stock market dropped 777.68 points (biggest point drop in history, but the percentage drop of 6.98% was much smaller than the 22.6% drop in 1987).