Up and down the coast

A pastor at work, eying Ike

September 10, 2008 (Wednesday)
picture of CharlesMy computer in Rockport crashed last night, so this blog for Wednesday is being written at 10:00 p.m. Wednesday night on the Houston computer. I went to Rockport Monday to do a funeral Tuesday. I came back to Houston today to do a funeral Thursday. I brought back my daughter-in-law’s mother and she is in Pearland with Janet and David. She has many health problems and is in a wheelchair, so she was leaving Hurricane Ike behind. Or so we thought. Looks like the Houston area will be feeling its effects also.
The 10:00 p.m. advisory just came out and it moves the trajectory north of the last advisory’s. This is a large storm, and we all need to do whatever is necessary to remain safe. It is predicted to become a very strong storm.