Our Heavenly Father

Supreme Model for Human Fathers

June 14, 2008 (Sunday) Fathers Day
picture of CharlesToday, Fathers Day, is a good occasion to think about our Heavenly Father. In times of trouble, we are tempted to doubt God’s generous provisions. It is then that we need to remind ourselves of those times in the past when God helped us. Do you remember times like that?
Do you remember your past help? He was with you in sorrow, temptation, illness and the like. You can probably recite the details of such an experience in your own life. He was there to encourage you to endure, never giving up. Your Heavenly Father has helped you.
Do you remember your past victories? He answered your prayers. He helped you introduce someone to Christ and He changed their life. He used you to touch another life in a way that brought good things to them. He used you to alleviate suffering. Your Heavenly Father has helped you.
Do you remember God’s promises? He promises to take care of you. He promises never to leave you or forsake you – to stay with you forever. Your Heavenly Father, who has helped you in the past, will always help you.
Honor your earthly fathers today, but remember also to thank the Lord for being your Heavenly Father, the perfect example for all human fathers to follow.