The Eyes of Your Heart

Do you have healthy vision?

June 14, 2008 (Saturday)
picture of CharlesPaul spoke of “the eyes of your heart” (Eph 1:18). This suggests spiritual vision. How good is your spiritual vision?
Just as people develop eye problems, they develop spiritual eye problems.
Some folks are blind. The Bible says that those who refuse to believe the truth have been blinded by the devil. The things of God are foolishness to the unbeliever. Jesus came to heal the spiritually blind (Luke 4:18). When we come to know Christ, we learn to sing, “’Twas blind, but now I see!”
Other people are near-sighted. They can’t get their eyes off themselves long enough to consider others. Chronologically, they can only think of right now, making no plans for the future. Geographically, it’s here that counts; never mind the larger world. Emotionally, their own troubles keep them from thinking about a hurting friend. Near sighted.
A few are far-sighted. They focus on the needs overseas and neglect their neighbors. They procrastinate freely, thinking tomorrow will be soon enough. “Somewhere over the rainbow” is where their interests lie. Far-sighted.
Any group includes several who have astigmatism, which might be described as distorted vision. Not a good definition, but it’ll do. They just can’t see clearly. Their mechanism is messed up. They believe what they want to believe, true or not. Spiritually astigmatic.
Not a few have cataracts. Something has happened that shuts out the world from their sight. Sin enters and clouds spiritual vision. Repent and the scales will fall from your spiritual eyes, “the eyes of your heart.”
Jesus asked, “Having eyes, do you not see?” We need his touch so that we can clearly see God, self and others. May the Lord enlighten the eyes of your heart.