
Stuff written down

May 12, 2008 (Monday)
picture of Charles
Yesterday I started my second year of writing this blog.
There is an article in this week’s “Baptist Standard” about blogs. You can read it online if you like.* The article points out that blogs offer the opportunity of expressing opinions and ideas. In an era when news media outlets are being merged into just a few giant conglomerates, thereby inhibiting free expression, the “blogosphere” may be the venue which offers true freedom of expression, so that important issues are not neglected.
I’m not sure where my blogs fit into this. As it says in the masthead, what I write each day may be an essay of importance, trivia or in-between. I did not begin writing the blogs because I had something I wanted to say or an agenda I wanted to promote. I did it because friends who liked my writing asked me to do it.
Occasionally I have written about issues that may be considered a little controversial, but for the most part the “Howdy yall all” blogs are more like diary entries or letters to friends and family. Sometimes they have been like conversations at after-church fellowships, at other times like nostalgic conversations after dinner at family reunions.
It’s not that I have no strong religious or political opinions; it’s just that I’d rather not use the blog for that. I’m not sure exactly what I’m doing, but I hope whatever it is lifts your spirits, brightens your life, and makes life a little better, at least for a day.
*Click here to visit the Baptist Standard newspaper