Where the Roses Never Fade

cffblog6.jpgJanuary 10, 2019 (Thursday)
My dear friend, Charlie Marshall, died five years ago on this date. In addition to being a prominent mortician and businessman, a community leader, involved in education, serving on important state boards, and being friends with state and national leaders, he was a good man.
He was known as a man with a great heart, willing to help whenever needed. He was always extremely kind to me, and generous toward me, supplying my needs from time to time, and offering to do much more for me if I would just say the word. He was a preacher’s son, and had a soft spot in his heart for ministers of the gospel and their families.
He was 90 years old when he went to Heaven, and he had looked forward to that day. Many times he shared with me the importance of being spiritually prepared to enter Heaven when God calls us Home. He loved to play hymns in his car. One that he played quite often, when I was riding with him, each time encouraging me to listen closely to the words, was, “Where the Roses Never Fade.”


Written by Elsie Osborn, Jack Osborn, Jim Miller

I am going to a city
Where the streets are golden laid
Where the tree of life is blooming
And the roses never fade
Here they bloom but for a season
Soon their beauty is decayed
I am going to a city
Where the roses never fade
In this world we have our troubles
Satan snares we must evade
We’ll be free from all temptation
Where the roses never fade
Loved one’s gone to be with Jesus
In their robes of white array
They are waiting for my coming
Where the roses never fade
Here they bloom but for a season
Soon their beauty is decayed
I am going to a city
Where the roses never fade