Messianic Psalms

cffblog6.jpgJanuary 9, 2019 (Wednesday)
I am Interim Pastor at Bethel Baptist Church in Ingleside. We have been studying the psalms each Wednesday evening for about 2 1/2 years. We began the study in June, 2016 with the first psalm and have taken them in numerical order. Our next study will be about Psalm 110, which is definitely Messianic. The verses are about a king called, “lord,” by the psalmist; he is of paramount importance. One of the verses definitely identifies that king as a priest who is victorious in battle. No king of the Old Testament qualifes for this description. The psalm is most surely about our Messiah, Jesus, although not identified by personal name in the psalm.
The following table (from “”) lists prophecies about Christ that are in the book of Psalms, and are quoted in the New Testament. These psalms are known as “Messianic Psalms.” (Click here to go to the site and learn several simple facts about the psalms).


Click here to go to a site (Blue Letter Bible) that gives many more details about this subject. As you mouseover the references listed there, the program will automatically show you each entire reference, word for word.