Easter Sunday


March 23, 2008
picture of CharlesJesus clearly predicted his resurrection (John 2:19,21; Mark 10:34). For many years, however, there has been a concerted effort on the part of skeptics to discredit the Bible’s version of what happened to the body of Jesus. Since, according to Romans 10, belief in the living Christ is essential to salvation, it is vital for us believers to be absolutely sure that Jesus literally rose from the dead and lives today.
The resurrection of Jesus is a fact of history. The tomb was found empty by those who came to anoint the body — the enemies of Jesus agreed to that — and a body was never produced. The disciples of Jesus, who had felt defeat and despair upon Jesus’ death, were energized and unbelievably bold in their witness after they had been with their resurrected Lord. There were many eyewitness accounts of the living Christ for a period of 40 days before his return to his father in heaven. Millions of people throughout the past 2000 years testify to a personal relationship with Christ in their daily lives. He lives.
He’s alive today and brings comfort to us. We find victory over obstacles in our daily lives through the strength he gives us. At the moment we began trusting him as Savior we began to live forever. Though our bodies die, we will live forever. That’s eternal life and it’s promised to those who accept Christ as their Savior. Our hope is in a living Lord, whose resurrection from the dead attests that he has power over life and death. Believing in him makes all the difference in the world to us.
The practical, day to day, effect of his being alive today is his presence with us. He gives us spiritual power to live lives of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. He is not only “with us;” he is within us through the Holy Spirit.
I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold. I’d rather be his than have riches untold. I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands. I’d rather be led by his nail-pierced hands than to be the king of a vast domain and be held in sin’s dread sway. I’d rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today.