A home in Bethany

cffblog6.jpgMarch 23, 2018 (Friday)
Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem, where he will be arrested, tried and crucified. We have followed Him and his disciples from Galilee and Samaria, across the Jordan to Perea, and back across to Jericho. All along the way he has blessed, saved and healed people. He taught His disciples to follow his example. Although they did not understand what He was talking about when he taught about the kingdom, I believe that later they remembered well all the things he said and understood them.
Having left Jericho in the morning, he no doubt arrived at Bethany, the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, before sunset, when the Sabbath began. He found great fellowship in that home. Having raised Lazarus from the dead, there was a strong bond between Jesus and the family. They loved Jesus very much and made their home, His home.

One tends to think there was much laughter among them as Jesus relaxed there in their home. There must have been many serious moments as well, as they pondered the ultimate meaning of the miracle of resurrection. Actually, the religious leaders had put Lazarus on their “hit list,” along with Jesus, because his living presence testified of the fact that Jesus was the Messiah, which He claimed to be.
Jesus would make this home his headquarters during the coming week. On Sunday morning he would go into Jerusalem, as he did each day (except Wednesday) through Thursday, coming back to Bethany at the end of the day through Tuesday. Evidently on Wednesday he spent the entire day at Bethany with his friends and all those from the area who came to see and hear Him teach. On Thursday morning He would enter Jerusalem for the final time and would not return to Bethany. Instead He would be crucified and buried. But then came Sunday..