Busy at Jericho

cffblog6.jpgMarch 22, 2018 (Thursday)
On Tuesday we followed Jesus and His disciples on their fateful journey to Jerusalem. Today we enter the city of Jericho with them. They had crossed the Jordan and had been traveling on its east side but now they have crossed the river again, this time headed westward. The first city on the road was Jericho. They arrived there on Thursday, I believe.
Jesus entered the city and immediately found a man named Zaccheus. To make the point that He loves all kinds of people, Jesus went to his home and was his guest for dinner, along with many of Zaccheus’ friends. Zaccheus believed in Jesus as His Savior that day, and repented of his sins, making many heartfelt promises to obey the Lord in all things and to make restitution to those he had mistreated.

There were two blind men begging at the gate of the city. Jesus healed them both. It is possible he healed them as he entered and as he exited the city. Jesus never stopped teaching and performing miracles as he traveled toward the city of his looming crucifixion. His heart was touched and he felt compassion for those he helped.
On one occasion, Jesus told a crowd of believers, “As you go, preach!” He followed His own advice and on this trip helped others at every turn of the road. Let us always remember that Jesus practiced what He preached. He also entreated us to do the same: “As the Father has sent me, so send I you.” He was on a mission; so are we.