Even Me

cffblog6.jpgJuly 11, 2017 (Tuesday)
Yesterday’s blog featured the hymn, “The Wonder of It All,” which shares the testimony, “Oh, the wonder of it all that Jesus loves me.” Another hymn, written 95 years earlier in 1860 by Elizabeth Harris Codner,” emphasizes that message with the title, “Even Me.” William Bradbury provided the tune.
“Even Me” is a song that reveals great humility, recognizing that God’s love is undeserved, but freely given to the person who believes in Jesus as his or her Savior. It is reminiscent of Philip Bliss’ hymn, “Jesus Loves Even Me.” The song emphasizes the marvelous grace of our loving God.

1 Lord, I hear of showers of blessing,
Thou art scattering full and free;
Showers the thirsty land refreshing;
Let some drops now fall on me;
Even me, even me,
Let some drops now fall on me.
2 Pass me not, O God, my Father,
Sinful though my heart may be;
Thou mightst leave me, but the rather;
Let Thy mercy light on me;
Even me, even me,
Let Thy mercy light on me.
3 Pass me not, O gracious Savior,
Let me live and cling to Thee;
I am longing for Thy favor;
Whilst Thou’rt calling, O call me;
Even me, even me,
Whilst Thou’rt calling, O call me.
4 Pass me not, O mighty Spirit!
Thou canst make the blind to see;
Witnesser of Jesus’ merit,
Speak the Word of power to me;
Even me, even me,
Speak the Word of power to me.
5 Have I been in sin long sleeping,
Long been slighting, grieving Thee?
Has the world my heart been keeping?
O forgive and rescue me;
Even me, even me,
O forgive and rescue me.
6 Love of God, so pure and changeless,
Blood of Christ, so rich and free;
Grace of God, so strong and boundless
Magnify them all in me;
Even me, even me,
Magnify them all in me.
7 Pass me not; but pardon bringing,
Bind my heart, O Lord, to Thee;
Whilst the streams of life are springing,
Blessing others, O bless me;
Even me, even me,
Blessing others, O bless me.