Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday, May 28 & Sunday, May 29, 2022

This weekend is commonly known as Memorial Day Weekend.

On Monday, we will officially observe Memorial Day, which honors the memory of those who have given their lives for our freedoms.

On November 11, we will observe Veteran’s Day. I mention this because little by little, these two special days seem to be merging their emphases in recognition of those who have served their country — both living and dead. It seems natural to remember one while thinking of the other.

(Although summer officially begins this year on June 21, it begins unofficially this weekend, and lasts unofficially until Labor Day on September 5 this year)

Blogs for this coming week:

Monday-Memorial Day

Tuesday-Know Your Bible

Wednesday-Index for Blogs about Bible Books

Thursday-A “Poem” Discovered

Friday-Another “Poem” Found