The Church Is Like An Organized Organism

May 27, 2022 (Friday)

The Apostle Paul encouraged the church at Corinth to think of the church as a human body, (with hands, feet, eyes, ears) in which each part he mentioned has its own function. The different parts have different functions, yet it is one unified body.

I am taking Paul’s illustration one step further, and suggesting that we include all the parts of a human body, even many we do not see. Each organ is part of a system. And each system has its function. And they all work together in one unified body. So, if you don’t mind, join me in exploring the systems in a human body:

1. Brain and Nervous System
2. Heart and Circulatory System
3. Lungs and Respiratory System
4. Digestive System
5. Reproductive System
6. Immune System
7. Skeletal Structure
8. Muscular System

We are familiar with all these, are we not? How many bodies do you have? One? But how many systems are working together in that one body? Eight are listed above, but the body is so complex that further systems could be listed, or at least the systems could be divided into parts. Larger churches are more familiar with systems that work individually and cooperatively. Larger churches have more people, hence more complicated functions, which call for more detailed organization. But churches of any size — big or small — need an understanding of the tasks and those responsible for leading in their accomplishment.

The church is not just an organization. It is an organism — dynamic, reactive, in need of administrative functions which, hopefully, lead as many people as possible to perform functions which synchronize with the tasks of others, to produce unified action.

Take a look at the human body’s systems listed above. Each has a purpose all its own which must work in cooperation with all the other systems to produce a healthy body. The same situation exists within the church. Some of us have assumed that the work of the Holy Spirit is something apart from the organization of the church members to do the work of the Lord. But it all works together to provide a unity that glorifies Christ and wins people to faith in Him.

This song is not a hymn, and it’s from a Broadway show, but it could well be a theme song for any church as the people work together, just like all the systems in the human body work together. Listen and see if you agree (click cc if captions are needed):

Theme for this week: What Is the Church Like?

1. Monday May 23 The church is like a bride
2. Tuesday May 24 The church is like a family
3. Wednesday May 25 The church is like a building
4. Thursday May 26 The church is like an organism
5. Friday May 27 The church is like an organized organism