Jesus Is King

chasinblog2.jpgJanuary 13, 2017 (Friday)
Yesterday I wrote a blog about the hymn, “Crown Him with Many Crowns.”
I would like to continue that line of thinking today with the hymn (featured in my blog October 16), “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Diadem).”* The chorus in the Diadem version emphasizes the words, “Crown Him!”
The theme of the gospel of Matthew is “Jesus Is King.” He is the long-expected Messiah who now reigns in the hearts of those who believe in Him as their Savior and Lord. Sadly, the gospel of John tells us that “He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.” (John 1:11 NASB), but then it immediately declares, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” (verses 12-13).


In recent weeks I have been watching some television shows about the kings and queens of England. PBS ran a series on “The Hollow Crown,” about some of the kings and queens of the Middle Ages. Netflix has created episodes of “The Crown,” about Queen Elizabeth II. I watched “The Hollow Crown” and now I’m watching “The Crown.” PBS will run another show soon about Queen Victoria and her long reign (1837-1901).
All these monarchs had strength and weaknesses. They were totally human, made many mistakes and committed many sins. But all had authority over their subjects as long as they were in power.
Jesus is a different kind of king. He does not sit on an earthly throne; he occupies the throne of your heart. He does not force Himself upon you; he comes into your heart by your invitation. Is He the king of your life? Are you willing to “crown Him Lord of all” in every phase of your present journey through this world? The Apostle Paul called himself “the bondslave of Jesus Christ,” and considered that status the greatest privilege of his life. What about you?
* Click here to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (Diadem)”

Today would have been my grandfather’s birthday. He lived 1882-1957. Hard to believe but I am now ten years older than he was when he died. He and my grandmother (we knew them as “Big Dad and Mama”) gave my twin sisters and me unconditional love. They have been gone a long time, but I still miss them. This picture of me with them was taken in 1942 when I was in the 5th grade. We lived with them 1941-1943 and off and on all the years before that. Their names were John Forest Lowe and Mary Gladys Ross Lowe. She lived 1885-1971.
