Crown Him With Many Crowns

chasinblog2.jpgJanuary 12, 2017 (Thursday)
I have been thinking about the many wonderful hymns we sing at church, and also thinking of those wonderful hymns we don’t sing very often. Most of those hymns are truly great: “Crown Him with Many Crowns” is one of them. Doubtless the author’s original thought of “many crowns” is derived from Revelation 19:12, “on his head were many crowns” (NIV). Matthew Bridges wrote the hymn in 1851.
I found some good comments about the hymn verses at the web site, ‘” Here they are:

..this call to “crown him with many crowns” is a simple and yet profound declaration that Christ is many things, and everything. He is Lord of all, to be crowned for many things that all add up to Him being Savior of the world. Each crown represents a different aspect of who Christ is – Lord of life, Lord of love, Lord of years, Lord of heaven, the Lamb upon the throne. Christ is King, Servant, Lamb, Shepherd, and we celebrate this all-encompassing, paradoxical nature of our Savior by crowning Him the Lord of all.


Click here to hear “Crown Him With Many Crowns”
Click here to hear “Worthy Is the Lamb”